Tim Dowling: from birds on my head to the cat’s miaows – my year in numbers


In a year when reality has felt slippery, it’s good to pin down the key points in hard statistics. Here then, are mine

Over the course of the last year, our enforced isolation, compounded by a proliferation of disinformation, has made reality feel a bit slippery. Now more than ever, I find it helpful to conduct my annual look back using nothing but cold, hard figures. Here, then, are my personal statistics for 2020:

.66666 (recurring) Percentage of my three adult children living – and working – at home since the start of lockdown. It’s not so bad – I have learned to live with the small humiliation of delivery food arriving in the middle of meals I have cooked – but over time the pressure has taken its toll on all of us. The remaining .33333 of my descendants is in the United States with my family, but we’re still sort of connected because he set up the Deliveroo account and gets a text notification whenever anybody orders anything.

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