Saudi female cyclist and diver reveals her passion for both sports


RIYADH: Mona Bagahoom has loved cycling since she was young and is now a team captain for women’s cycling in the Kingdom, as well as enjoying her time exploring the depths of the Red Sea as a diver.

“I have loved riding bicycles ever since I was a child, and I improved my physical fitness as well as my technical performance until I became the captain of the team, and that is the sport that is close to my heart until today.”

She expressed her happiness about women cycling. The team covers long distances, reaching 100 km, taking in several Jeddah neighborhoods and touring different areas such as the corniche and the city’s historic parts.

She said that a lot of people had started to cycle and dive, with both sports becoming widespread, especially cycling. People loved to take up sports – new ones in particular – and had also started to dive. This discipline required courage and breathing exercises, she added.

“I train on Jeddah’s corniche four times a week, covering a distance of 60 km each time. Around a year ago, I joined the Brave Cyclist team and I train on my bicycle from Al-Hamra neighborhood to the center of Al-Balad in Jeddah, covering a distance of 25 km. As for the rest of the week, I cover 30 to 50 km, and a distance of 100 km once a month.”

She also expressed her love for diving, another sport she had mastered and felt as passionate about as cycling. “I dreamed of diving until I mastered it. I love this marine sport, it is fun and beautiful and I have never felt fear while diving.”

She said diving should be practiced by healthy people, especially ones who did not suffer with ear problems as it required special breathing exercises, and that a diver must have courage.

Bagahoom viewed diving as a journey to explore and get closely acquainted with the underwater world.

She has her Open Water Diver certification, allowing her to dive to a depth of 40 m and dive at night.