Play on mental health, ‘Inside Out Upside Down’, comes to Dubai’s The Junction


COVID-19 has brought on a mental tussle all through the year – there is anguish and anger and fear and loneliness all jostling for centre stage. What could then be more appropriate than a play that takes on the themes of emotion and their importance and delves into the why of it all?

Members of UAE-based The hive collective are putting up a take on Pixar movie ‘Inside Out’ this weekend. ‘Inside out Upside down’ runs at The Junction, Alserkal Avenue Dubai on December 4.

The story aims to spark a conversation about emotions and how to understand them.

It follows the life of Riley, a young person who is moving cities, and while half of the stage is dedicated to what Riley’s life looks like right now – at home, in school and Riley’s immediate surroundings – another half of the stage is used to show you what the brain looks like on the inside. Our characters Joy, sadness, anger, fear and disgust voice exactly what they feel about the different aspects of Riley’s life. The audience watches as they interact with one another, fighting over decisions on how Riley behaves. It also explores another interesting angle about how parents talk to their children about mental health and about changes, and how sometimes ignoring sadness is, perhaps, not the best way to deal with it.

Don’t miss it!

Entry to see ‘Inside out Upside down’ on December 4 at 12noon, 3pm and 7pm at The Junction, Alserkal Avenue Dubai, is free. Contact beforehand to ensure seating.