My wife wants a lover. How can I help her find one?


After 40 years of marriage, she is looking for a ‘friend with benefits’. Where can we find a sexual partner she can trust?

We are a retired couple who have been married for 40 years. I adore my wife and she adores me. We still have an active sex life, but we have talked about her finding another sexual partner to be with on occasion. Neither of us approves of going online to find one. How would you suggest that we find her a “friend with benefits”, whom she can be with and trust? Our kids all live away from us, so we are not terribly hung up about anyone finding out.

The key issue is “trust”. It is never easy to find someone to trust with any aspect of your life – finances, work, household, even grooming – so, naturally, it will be particularly difficult when it comes to creating a sexual triad.

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