Light, bright wines that taste of sunnier times | Fiona Beckett on wine


Crisp, refreshing Kiwi sauvignon blanc or a vibrant Sicilian red should do the trick

You know that feeling just after Christmas when you’ve had enough? Enough turkey. More than enough mince pies. Enough stuffing, metaphorically and literally. You – and when I say you, I guess I really mean I – crave crunchy salads, the bracing sourness of citrus and the fresh green lift of herbs such as coriander, mint and aniseedy dill.

Well, there’s a wine equivalent of that, I reckon. After the big hitters of Christmas Day – the lush chardonnays, the high-alcohol, big-shouldered reds – we want crisp whites with a bite and reds with palate-refreshing acidity. We want to forget about the cold weather to come, close our eyes and think of bistros and beach cafes, and of sharing a good bottle of wine over a platter of seafood.

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