Jordan to get the first TikTok house in the region 

Wed, 2021-01-27 15:20

DUBAI: ILNA Collective, a regional digital creative hub, is launching the first TikTok House in the Middle East based out of Amman, Jordan, and they are calling it “Beitna.”

According to the platform’s Instagram page, Beitna is a collaborative environment that aims to nourish and grow rising talents in the new digital age. The initiative will offer likeminded creatives an opportunity to meet, network and grow their following.

TikTok houses are made for content creators to get together and film their everyday content. But unlike the US’s fancy villas where influencers actually live together, the Amman-based mansion will be an incubator.

Participants have submitted their applications, and the selected TikTok-ers will be announced in February. 

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