Egyptian president, UK PM hold talks


CAIRO: During a phone call from British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi affirmed “Egypt’s readiness to make any possible efforts to maintain peace and stability around the world.”

According to a presidential statement, the phone call touched upon “a review of ways of coordinating efforts between Egypt and Britain regarding various international files,” including the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

During the call, El-Sisi praised “the remarkable development and qualitative leap in bilateral relations between the two countries in all fields.”

He stressed “Egypt’s aspiration to maximize fruitful cooperation during the coming period, enhance political coordination and exchange views in light of the common challenges facing the two countries at the international and regional levels.”

He affirmed his country’s aspiration to “further engage Britain through the mechanisms of its various development institutions in the priorities of Egyptian development plans in various fields, as well as work to double the volume of British investments in Egypt and push the wheel of economic cooperation between the two sides, especially in light of the improvement in the investment and business climate in Egypt.”

The presidential spokesman said El-Sisi and Johnson also discussed Egypt’s preparations to host COP27 in November in Sharm El-Sheikh.

El-Sisi said: “Egypt will adopt a comprehensive and neutral approach during its upcoming presidency of the conference to build on the success achieved in the Glasgow conference, and to ensure positive results that are in the interest of supporting international climate action.”

Johnson praised the important role played by Egypt in the framework of international efforts to confront climate change, stressing the UK’s aspiration to continue cooperation with Cairo in this field.

He also praised “the close ties between Egypt and Britain, and the tangible momentum witnessed by the relations between the two countries, especially in the field of economic and trade relations.”

Johnson said: “Egypt is one of Britain’s most important partners in the Middle East and Africa, especially in terms of consolidating security and stability.”

He stressed “the British side’s keenness to continue to support the ambitious measures and the pioneering experience carried out by Egypt in an effort to advance the economy and achieve comprehensive development, especially through increased investments, transfer of expertise and technology, and localization of industry.”