Veteran actor Dharmendra turned 85 on December 8, the director and producer of his upcoming family drama, ‘Apne 2’ — featuring three generations of Deols — shared their excitement about the new project while walking down memory lane of the 2007 film.
‘Apne’ director Anil Sharma shared a throwback picture from the sets of the film. The filmmaker took to Twitter and recalled the shooting of the film with Dharmendra and his sons Sunny and Bobby Deol.
The picture shows the four men behind the successful family drama engaged in a conversation during the shoot of the film in Punjab.
Image Credit: Twitter
Walking down memory lane, Sharma shared this association has always been positive. “Dharam jiis a fantastic human being and the farmer who came to Bollywood still resides in him. He is a very grounded man who’s not only a great actor but one of the best humans from the industry. It is Dharam ji’s 85th birthday, so I wish him all the best and hope he retains his infectious energy forever,” he wrote.
“I am fortunate to be the only director who has worked with all three generations of Deols,” he said, referring to his next, ‘Apne 2’, which brings the superstar with both his sons and grandson Karan Deol (Sunny’s son).
Producer Deepak Mukut, who’s behind the casting coup, said working with Dharam ji would be an experience of a lifetime and his “absolute honour”. “‘Apne 2’ will be the first-ever film, which will bring three generations of Deols together and we are extremely excited to begin this project. Dharam ji has always been a hero who has spread smiles and on his birthday, I wish he continues to do that forever.”
Earlier last week, the filmmaker announced ‘Apne 2’, which also marks Dharmendra’s sixth decade in the Hindi film industry.
Presented by Soham Rockstar Entertainment, ‘Apne 2’ will go on floors around March 2021 and is being planned for a big Diwali release.