David Atherton’s recipe for lemon and ginger walnut frangipane tart


Ground walnuts make a rich frangipane for this warming pastry inspired by the flavours of herbal tea

During this chilly time I steadily drink litres of herbal tea and they often provide inspiration for my baking. Lemon and ginger tea is a favourite and this bake is essentially a lemon and ginger walnut frangipane tart.

Almost all nuts can be ground into a flour that work well in cakes, frangipanes, marzipans, or biscuits, but it is difficult to find anything apart from ground almonds in shops. It is really easy to make your own nut flours in a food processor, however. My only tip is to put the nuts in the fridge or freezer first, as this will stop them turning into a nut butter as they will stay cool while blitzing.

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