Christmas wishes for gardeners


Time to grab a few brussels and drop last-minute present hints

It’s 20 December, the day before the shortest day, when the nights are long and the sun is low and much gardening is largely redundant. Your last chance to pop to the vegetable plot to pick a few winter leaves or brassicas, cavolo nero or brussels sprouts – though the tops are superior for eating in my opinion – for Christmas dinner. Perhaps even unearth a few parsnips for roasting, if they are to your taste.

Nearly past time to get in a few late requests for presents. I will often ask the kids or other family for seed packets. As always, I also have my eye on the Brown Envelope Seeds gift boxes, perhaps Peas on Earth, the Purple Veg, maybe even the Brexit Box. But you will have to hurry, unless like me you also have a birthday soon.

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