How can I fix my credit report so I can get my mortgage?


I have had an offer accepted on a new house and want to port and increase my current mortgage

Q I have recently had an offer accepted on a new house. As a result, I am attempting to port and increase my current mortgage. The loan amount is being increased to an amount that I can comfortably afford. When speaking to a mortgage adviser, it would not allow them to process as there was a problem with the credit check. Having investigated, it seems that while my Experian credit report is perfect, my Equifax score is terrible, largely because it is missing almost all the information. It lists both myself and my husband as not on the electoral roll and having no credit cards or a mortgage. I am trying to rectify this but wondered if you know a way in which this can be worked around? This will very quickly become an issue and I am a little concerned as to how my credit report could be so nonsensical.

A First, thank you for providing a timely reminder that it is always wise to check your report at each of the three main credit reference agencies (CRAs) – Equifax, Experian and TransUnion (formerly Callcredit) – before you apply for any kind of credit. But even if you are not planning to apply for a credit card, mortgage, personal loan or mobile phone contract any time soon, Which? suggests that you should check your reports at each of the three CRAs at least once a year.

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