Actress Jamie Lee Curtis talks ‘Halloween Kills’ and the franchise’s legacy of horror


LOS ANGELES: Iconic horror villain Michael Myers has returned once again in “Halloween Kills,” but this time the town of Haddonfield is fighting back, led by the protagonist of the original Halloween film played by actress Jamie Lee Curtis.

“It’s a much more brutal telling but it feels like it’s also synonymous with the times,” said Jamie Lee Curtis, returning once again as protagonist Laurie Strode. “The times are really violent right now and it’s just sort of a mirror image of what’s going on around the world.”

Curtis made her film debut in 1978’s “Halloween” when she was only 19 and was surprised to be cast as the shy, bookish main character. “I was perfect for the cheerleader and perfect for the smart alec because that’s who I’ve been my whole life. So, it really gave me an opportunity to be an actor,” shared Curtis.

But as she’s continued in her life and career, Curtis has found more in common with her star making character.

“She is a mother and a grandmother and David Gordon Green wrote a family into the 2018 movie,” Curtis said. “I am a devoted mother, not a grandmother yet but I am a devoted mother and so I do feel like giving Laurie a family was crucial.”

The “Halloween” franchise has gone in a lot of directions over the years, but the modern films are focusing on legacy, with Laure’s daughter Karen stepping up to deal with the threat of Michael Myers even as the town turns into an angry mob.

The film is directed by David Gordon Green. (YouTube)

“Being a voice of reason in that hospital where everyone is losing their mind and it’s frustrating. I think she is playing catch-up really quickly,” said Judy Greer, making her second appearance as Karen Strode, after the 2018 film.

“But she’s also become the warrior. The roles have been replaced,” Curtis added. “Karen and Allyson are the warriors now. Laurie is the one being taken care of.”