David Atherton’s recipe for sweet potato sirenki


For something warm to dip into your soup that’s easy to prep while the pan’s on the hob, try these delicious Bulgarian cheese scone alternatives

Soups can be slurped simply on their own, but I love having something to dunk. A loaf of fresh bread is perfect, but when you’re rustling up a quick soup, you want a quick alternative. The Bulgarian word sirenki basically translates to “something with cheese” and is very similar to a cheese scone. You can whip up a batch quickly once your soup is simmering and you’ll have yourself a perfect soup accompaniment. Sirene is a white brined cheese very popular in Bulgaria. It is often stocked in eastern European or Turkish food stores, but it is similar to Greek feta cheese, which can be used as an alternative. Bulgarian yoghurt is world renowned and for this recipe you need a live yogurt to ensure you have the lactic acid bacteria to provide an acidic mix for the bicarb to boost.

Makes 10
100g sweet potato
100g live natural yoghurt
300g plain flour
2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
½ tsp fine salt
1 tsp mustard powder
200g sirene (or feta) cheese
Paprika to dust before baking

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